ASET Colloquium

Road commuting in metros: Moving from pain to pleasure

by Mr. Brijraj Vaghani (Birds Eye Systems), Mr. Ravi Khemani (Birds Eye Systems)

Friday, July 5, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Commuting is an integral part of our daily lives. With number of cars on the road increasing at an exponential rate, tools for better road commute planning is the need of the hour. How many times have you wished you knew the traffic status in different parts of the city so that you could reach your destination using the optimal route, saving time and fuel.

Birds Eye System's, Traffline aims to make road commute easier by providing real time information on traffic movement in different parts of the city, estimated time of travel between source and destination, accident and event updates and comprehensive location database which helps find the closest landmark.

In this talk we will give an overview of our solution, the challenges we encountered in developing it and what lies ahead for us. 

Organised by Dr. Satyanrayana Bheesette