8-13 January 2011
Asia/Kolkata timezone
This course will focus on pathological immune responses to various diseases, focusing mainly on diseases where the infection and disease are not concomitant, such as malaria, tuberculosis and filariasis. CONVENORS: Prof. Shobhona Sharma, TIFR-Mumbai Prof. B. Ravindran, ILS-Bhubaneshwar Prof. Sylviane Pied, Département d’Immunologie Institut Pasteur, Paris To register, please go to: http://dbstifr.wufoo.com/forms/registration-for-mabahaleshwar-seminar.
Starts Jan 8, 2011 12:00
Ends Jan 13, 2011 12:00
The Club Mahabaleshwar Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India
The ‘Mahabaleshwar Seminar Series’ is organized annually by the Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR, to introduce exciting new research to the Post doctoral fellows, Young faculties & Senior Ph.D. students from different laboratories of the country and this definitely helps to kindle new thoughts in the minds of budding researchers of the nation.