ASET Colloquium

Bell Ringing – from Mathematics to Bollywood

by Mr. Philip Earis (Royal Society of Chemistry), Ms. Jennifer Earis (PricewaterhouseCoopers)

Friday, October 25, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
  “Change ringing” is a unique form of music rung on specially engineered bells, which developed in England in the 17th Century. It is closely linked to patterns, symmetry and the area of mathematics known as group theory: indeed some of this field was developed by bell ringers decades before being formalised by mathematicians. Furthermore, change ringing has some interesting and special connections with Mumbai and Colaba. The talk will explain the practical and theoretical aspects of bell ringing, both maths and engineering, and introduce its Indian connections. There will be a live demonstration of ringing, and a simple but unsolved ringing maths puzzle which has taxed ringers for years will be introduced (a substantial prize is available for a solution).

About Mr. Philip Earisand Ms.Jennifer Earis:

Philip Earis is a scientist from Cambridge, UK. In 2003 he moved from Cambridge University to work in scientific publishing for the Royal Society of Chemistry, and currently serves as the Managing Editor of four high-impact international journals, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Energy & Environmental Science, Nanoscale, and Faraday Discussions.

Jennifer Earis studied mathematics at Cambridge University before joining PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) as an Actuary, where she currently works as a Senior Manager. In June 2013 Philip and Jennifer relocated to India on deputation. Based in Mumbai, Philip continues his journals role whilst travelling extensively through India to form and develop closer links and partnerships between the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Indian scientific community. Jennifer is setting up a new Actuarial Consultancy in Bandra for PwC.

Philip and Jennifer are both enthusiastic and prominent bellringers, composers, and developers of the special type of bell music known as change ringing. Philip holds the world record for the longest ever performance of change ringing, 72000 changes rung without hesitation or pause in 24 hours 9 minutes in 2007.  

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette