ASET Colloquium

A Historic Choice: The Maharashtra Law Against Black Magic

by Prof. Atish Dabholkar (Sorbonne Universites, Paris, Research Director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS))

Friday, November 29, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The citizens of Maharashtra and the law-makers of the Maharashtra Legislature face a historic choice in the coming months. It is in the form of a simple question whether or not an ordinance will become a law. The choice we make on this question will have far-reaching consequences for decades to come not only for Maharashtra but for all of India. It will directly affect the lives of tens of thousands of people, for better or for worse.
The emergency ordinance in question is the Maharashtra ordinance against Black Magic which was put into effect in the wake of the murder of Dr Narendra Dabholkar who had campaigned for this law for two decades.
I will explain the history and significance of this law, why such a separate legislation is necessary, and address some of the misconceptions about the law. It is important that we as citizens stand united and do not allow misleading propaganda or spurious philosophical arguments derail this important legislation.

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette