Random Interactions

Many Body Physics in atomic dipolar Bose Condensates, near and far from equilibrium

by Dr. Stefan Natu (University of Maryland)

Thursday, December 12, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
In this talk, I will discuss recent experimental progress in cooling
of atomic dipolar Bose gases and give an overview of their basic
phenomenology. I will then discuss some recent work on the damping of
low energy quasi-particles in a weakly interacting dipolar Bose
condensates, at zero and finite temperature. In particular, I will
show that damping processes which are typically active in Bose
condensates with short-range interactions, are absent, or highly
suppressed in the dipolar gas, owing to the peculiar nature of its low
energy excitation spectrum. I will then discuss the
far-from-equilibrium dynamics of dipolar Bose gases and show how
quantum quenches can be used to probe the underlying excitation
spectrum of a dipolar gas.