DCMPMS Seminars

Anisotropic metamaterials for unique applications

by Prof. S. Anatha Ramakrishna (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
Anisotropic nanostructures such as columnar thin films or anodic nanoporous alumina  can be organized to yield metamaterials with highly anisotropic material tensors. In fact,  using plasmonic nanostructures, the anisotropic can be so extreme that the dispersion of light can become hyperbolic.  Gratings containing slanted plasmonic nanocolumns that behave as  unidirectional surface plasmon couplers and nanoporous microtubes with plasmonically filled  nanopores that act as cylindrically anisotropic optical fibers are newly developed examples of anisotropic metamaterials that will be discussed in this lecture.