ASET Colloquium

Wellness Vs Illnessced

by Prof. B. M. Hegde

Friday, August 21, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
Wellness (conventionally called health) is now defined as "enthusiasm to
work and to be compassionate". Interestingly, this fits in with the time
honoured definition of health in Indian Ayurveda. Time has come to think
of holistic refutative research in preference to repetitive research. When
we understand wellness and the real definition of health, we would realise
that all illness management has to be holistic where the body, mind and
environment of the patient are taken into consideration. The era of
disease and diagnosis will then be replaced by the era of understanding
the suffering human being (the patient).

Chemical reductionist molecular therapeutics will have to give place to
the energy therapeutics. Many proven methods of energy treatment have been
in vogue for aeons even in many alternate systems. One more reason why
energy methods are better is the speed with which one gets results with
them. Most, if not all, reductionist chemical molecules are alien to the
human system and they are thus rejected by the liver in the first place.
Host of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) which are the biggest cause of death
in modern medicine, could be avoided if we follow the holistic management
of illnesses to bring man back to his/her state of wellness as defined
above. Medical profession however is always needed as the doctor is not
just a drug vendor but a real friend, philosopher and guide in illness.

About the Speaker:
Prof. B.M.  Hegde did his MBSS from Madras University and MD from Lucknow
University. Subsequently, he passed the Membership of Royal College of
Physicians of UK examination and underwent advanced training in Cardiology
at Harvard Medical School, Boston under Nobel Laureate Bernard Lown. Prof.
Hegde worked at the Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore and Manipal for 45
years, finally serving as the Vice-Chancellor of Manipal University. He
has been the visiting Professor to number of universities in India abroad.
Prof.  Hegde has 170 research articles in Indian and foreign journals.
Prof. Hegde has penned nearly 35 books and over 3,500 articles in lay

Prof. Hegde has been the recipient of numerous national and international
awards, including Dr. B.C.Roy National Award, Dr.J.C.Bose Award for Life
Science Research and Karnataka Rajyothsava Award. He was conferred the
prestigious Padma Bhushan Award. He is a member of the Karnataka Knowledge
Commission. Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences awarded Prof.
Hegde Honorary Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He is a Fellow of all Royal
Colleges, Fellow of American College of Cardiology as well as Fellow of
the Indian Academy of Medical Sciences. He was a member of the New York
Academy of Science.
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette
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