ASET Colloquium

Grid Computing at LHC and CMS Tier2 centre at TIFR

by Mr. Brij Jashal (DHEP, TIFR)

Friday, September 4, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
Grid computing is the backbone of data harvest at LHC. It is the key tool
to extract physics results leading to discoveries. This talk will cover
the basic ideas of high throughput distributed computing as well as
various components of GRID middleware.  Over the time the computing model
for LHC experiments has been changing at a fast rate making it essential
for the computing centres to be continuously upgraded.  TIFR hosts a Tier-
2 centre for CMS experiment at LHC which is a national facility catering
to both national and international community participating in the
experiment. Current status of this T2 centre and the major upgrades
undertaken in recent times to handle much larger data volumes in future
will be presented.

About the Speaker:
Mr. Brij Jashal joined TIFR, as Scientific Officer in 2012. As site
administrator of CMS Tier2 Grid Computing Centre at TIFR, he is mainly
responsible for maintaining 24x7 functional prudence of T2_IN_TIFR and
managing complete hardware, software and network infrastructure.
After Graduating in electronics and communication engineering in 2009,
Mr. Jashal joined ISRO, as Research Scientist for the project “Generation
of Database and Implementation of Web Enabled Water Resources Information
System in the Country”. His responsibilities at ISRO included designing,
implementation and administration of data centres at different geo
locations and managing large multi user, multi temporal geo-databases.

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette
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