Chemical Sciences Seminars

Musings with Intermolecular Interactions

by Prof. Naresh Patwari (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai)

Monday, August 3, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-69
In general intermolecular interactions between pair of closed shell molecules can be represented by [-1, -6, +12] potential. Various intermolecular interaction varies significantly due to the differences in the weightage for each of the three terms. Spectroscopy and computational chemistry provide the reasonable understanding of many intermolecular interactions. However, each method has specific shortfalls. Physically meaningful models can only be constructed by adequately addressing these shortfalls while interpreting the data. The importance of each of the components of [-1, -6, +12] potential in understating hydrogen bonding, π-π stacking and in foldamers will be highlighted