Chemical Sciences Seminars

Chiral plasmon coupling and light-matter strong coupling

by Dr. Jino George (University of Strasbourg, France)

Monday, January 11, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at D-406
Circular dichroism (CD), an important property of chiral molecules, is extensively employed to understand the structure and conformational changes of biomolecules. Here we were trying to mimic biological evolution of chirality through bio-mineralization and successfully created metal nanoparticles with interesting chiroptical properties. Chirality transfer from chiral organic and biomoleules to metal nanoparticles has been studied and we could generalize the concept of Surface Plasmon coupled Circular Dichroism (SP-CD) in chiral nanoparticle systems which is similar to a phenomenon observed in molecular and biological system called Exciton Coupled Circular Dichroism (EC-CD).[1] Later part of presentation discusses about the discrimination in energy transfer with chiral nanomaterials through energy transfer and laser trapping crystallization techniques.[2]

Second part of the presentation will be a general introduction to strong molecule-molecule and light-molecule interactions. Here, we are trying to compare Kasha’s exciton coupling model to light-molecule strong coupling processes. The presentation finishes with the highlights of our recent research on improving molecular and material properties.[3, 4]

[1] George, J.; Thomas, K. G., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2502-2503; [2] 	Yuyama, K.; George, J.; Thomas, K. G.; Sugiyama, T.; Masuhara, H., Cryst.Growth Des. 2015 (in press); [3] Orgiu, E.; George, J.; Hutchison, J. A.; Devaux, E.; Dayen, J-F.; Doudin, B.; Stellacci, F.; Genet, C.; Samori, P.; Ebbesen, T. W., Nat. Mater. 2015, 14, 1123-1129; [4] George J.; Wang, S.; Chervy, T.;  Canaguier-Durand,  A.; Schaeffer, G; Lehn, J-M.; Hutchison, J. A.; Genet, C.; Ebbesen, T. W. Faraday Discuss. 2015, 178, 281-294.