DCMPMS Seminars

Probing Pb based Multiferroic Systems for Spin lattice and Magnetoelectric Coupling

by Dr. Shidaling Matteppanavar (Department of Physics, Bangalore University, Bangalore)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
In the current literature there is tremendous interest realizing the room temperature multiferroic compound for practical applications. For any system to be of practical use it is imperative to design such a system which exhibits both magnetism and ferroelectricity around room temperature and there is spin-lattice as well as magnetoelectric coupling in the system. The complex structured Pb(B’B’’)O3compounds are of great interest due to their inherent chemical disorder at the B site,  here B’ and B’’ are d0 and dn transition metal ions. Due to this disorder, a complex magnetic phase diagram is expected in these Pb based materials as d0 element is required for obtaining the ferroelectric phase, whereas the magnetism emanates from the magnetic dn ion. In this presentation, our work on such compounds, Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 (PFN) and Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 (PFW) and their solid-solution (PFN)1-x(PFW)x is presented and discussed in the light of spin-lattice coupling and magnetoelectric coupling observed in these compounds from the analysis of temperature dependent neutron diffraction and magnetization data.