Wednesday Colloquia

From W, Z discovery to the Higgs boson to what next?

by Prof. Daniel Denegri (CEA, Saclay, France)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Homi Bhabha Auditorium
TIFR, Colaba, Mumbai

"After a  reminder of the key steps leading to the present day Standard Model, we describe very briefly the discovery of the W and Z bosons in UA1, the launching of the LHC project and of the CMS detector.  We then discuss some of the main tests of Standard Model at the LHC:  the jet and top physics results, the discovery of the Higgs boson and the present status of Higgs boson studies.  Finally we shall present the expectations from the future operations of the LHC, including the potential to search for the dark matter candidate."

About the speaker:

Daniel Denegri has been the physics coordinator of the CMS detector on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN for 14 years and is at present Directeur de Recherche emerite at the CNRS still working on CMS. He is among the "founding fathers" of the CMS detector and collaboration, which together with the ATLAS detector/collaboration discovered the Higgs boson in 2012. In the 1980s he played a significant role in the discovery of the W and Z bosons in the 1980s, leading to the Nobel prize in Physics in 1984. The key subsystem of the UA1 detector in this discovery, the electromagnetic calorimeter, was built in Saclay.
Organised by Bhaswati Mookerjea (Wednesday Colloquium Coordinator)