Wednesday Colloquia

Large dimension approximation: from atomic physics to the glass transition.

by Prof. Jorge Kurchan (Ecole Normale Superieure)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Lecture Theatre ( AG-66 )
In some fortunate cases, a field of physics is characterised by a small parameter. Perturbative methods are then available, and may lead to spectacular successes such as in Quantum Electrodynamics.  In  the  absence  of  a  small  parameter we are at a loss of methods other than direct numerical simulation. 
A less intuitive alternative  is  to  promote  the  system  to d dimensions and solve the large d limit, usually a feasible task, and  eventually expand around. This strategy has been used with success for  strongly coupled electrons, atomic physics, gauge field  theory,  and  most  recently to  the  dynamics  of  liquids  constituted of  spherical  particles.