ASET Colloquium

Science and Technology Policy and Development

by Dr. R. Chidambaram (Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission)

Friday, July 2, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
In the early stages of growth of an economy, the GDP growth rate is more dependent on its innovation capacity rather than on its scientific strength. But if a developing country wants to sustain a high GDP growth rate over a long period, it must also lay a strong foundation for basic research. Industrial development requires creation of interfaces for enhancing academia-industry interactions, while rural development needs building structures for technology delivery. Technology choices made by any country – ‘developed’ or ‘developing’ – must be backed by not only applied research but also ‘directed basic research ‘. ‘Directed’ Basic Research is an additionality to conventional (self-directed) basic research and is in selected areas where the knowledge generated would benefit Industry in the long term or would benefit Society or the country’s strategic interests in the long term. 

In an already-developed country, there is thermodynamic equilibrium between the knowledge in the academic system and the knowledge that has been transferred to industry. But there is a large knowledge gap between the two in a developing country, even in areas where both academia and industry are present. As the country develops and becomes globally competitive in any technology area, the knowledge gap begins to close and academia-industry interactions begin to increase. We have seen this happening in India. 

Leveraging international cooperation to strengthen a country’s own development initiatives is also necessary. Today’s India seeks international collaboration on an ‘equal partner’ basis. 

To accelerate development in a country, there is need for what I have called ‘Coherent Synergy’ – a phrase I defined many years back in the Science and Technology context – among the components of the Science and Technology System in the country. Synergy among the involved entities in every effort and Coherence among all the efforts! 
Organised by Satyanarayana Bheesette
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