Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Galaxy Clusters as Cosmic Probes

by Dr. Subhabrata Majumdar (TIFR)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
Clusters of galaxies are some of the largest objects in the Universe, easy to locate and image on the sky and remain as very powerful cosmological probes. Clusters have evolved from being used as one of the first and basic handles on cosmic parameters to being a crucial component in the present quest for 'precision cosmology'. They are also unique astrophysical laboratories and are thus at the veritable crossroads of cosmology and astrophysics. A series of ongoing and planned multi-wavelength surveys (all the way from radio to gamma rays) promise an unprecedented wealth of data on clusters. To reap maximum benefits from these surveys, one requires an approach which strongly integrates comparisons of observations and theoretical models of both detailed physics of clusters and their statistical properties as a population.

This talk will, mainly, focus on the potential of doing cosmology with galaxy clusters and touch upon my association with different aspects of cluster cosmology: theoretical ideas, mock and real survey data analysis and, even, some new observational techniques that push the limits of present day cluster surveys.
Organised by Dr. Vikram Tripathi
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