Wednesday Colloquia

Cavitationally Induced Physico-Chemical and Biological Transformations

by Dr. A.B. Pandit (ICT, Mumbai)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Cavitation, which was and still is looked at as an unavoidable nuisance in flow devices and systems, is however now a serious contender as an alternative means of local energy delivery for intensification of  physico- chemical and Biological processing. 

Initial skepticism about cavitation as an alternative mode of energy supply is being replaced by optimism with a better control over its dynamics, showing applications involving specialty chemical synthesis to cold fusion and has been taken as an active area of research  by many other groups from USA, UK, Spain, Germany, China, Japan and the Netherlands.

In this talk, we take a stock of the situation after 25 years of work published in the area, with several hundred articles appearing in Journals & conference proceedings. The talk describes the fundamental s of different means of cavity generation and control of its dynamics as a physical phenomenon and  its possible applications. The rich knowledge base created on single cavity and cavity cluster dynamics and the operational and controlling parameters to exploit these effects will be discussed. A link of Cavity Dynamics and  its effects on physic-chemical and Biological system will be established. Applications in the area of cell disruption for intracellular enzyme recovery or potable water disinfection, chemical synthesis such as hydrolysis, oxidation and esterification, emulsification and nano-suspensions will be described.
Organised by Nitin Chaudhari