School of Technology and Computer Science Seminars

Learning and Characterization of Interventional Equivalence class of Causal Graphs with Latents

by Dr. Karthikeyan Shanmugam (IBM Research AI Group, USA)

Friday, January 10, 2020 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A-201 STCS Seminar room
Abstract: Directed Causal Graphs (DAGs) capture causal relationships amongst a set of variables and they specify how interventional distributions relate to observational ones. Unobserved latent variables  are represented in DAGs with edges having double arrows. Celebrated``do-calculus” introduced by Pearl relates invariances in interventional distributions to a specific causal graph with latents embodying expert knowledge. We consider the reverse problem of learning the equivalence class of causal graphs that could imply the observed invariances of the do-calculus. Given observational and interventional data obtained under soft interventions with known targets, we provide a complete characterization of the equivalence class of Causal DAGs. We also provide a sound learning algorithm to learn the equivalence class under additional faithfulness assumptions.
Organised by Himanshu Asnani