Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Template bank to search for exotic gravitational wave signals from astrophysical compact binaries.

by Mr. Abhishek Sharma (IIT Gandhinagar)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Hybrid ( A 269 ) Meeting ID: 974 9506 7760 Passcode: 161721
Matched filtering technique is used to search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescing sources in the data obtained from terrestrial detectors like Advanced LIGO and Virgo. The data is filtered through a template bank constructed over a deemed parameter space to detect the gravitational wave signal. The current search framework uses the template waveform presuming General Relativity (GR). If an astrophysical gravitational wave signal carries a significant departure from GR, the current template-based search will fail to detect such a signal. Modeling compact binaries in an alternative theory of gravity is a challenging task, and currently, no accurate waveform models are known for any alternative theories (except a few numerical simulations). Therefore, a possible departure from GR waveforms is accommodated by introducing fractional deviations in various coefficients of the Post-Newtonian (PN) expansion of gravitational wave phasing. In this talk, I will describe the construction of a template bank that can be used to search for exotic gravitational wave signals (from BNS-like events) that may carry departure from GR-predicted waveforms.
Organised by DAA