Random Interactions

Hall coefficients beyond the single-band Boltzmann equation

by Dr. Abhisek Samanta (The Ohio State University, USA)

Thursday, May 4, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304 and Zoom
The Hall coefficient (RH) has been traditionally used to measure the charge carrier density of metals. This can be calculated using a recently derived formula which solely depends on static equilibrium susceptibilities and is applicable to general interacting and disordered Hamiltonians. Using this, first we determine the deviation of RH from Drude’s inverse carrier density formula in spin-split semiconductor bands. Next, we study the Hall anomaly in lightly doped Mott insulators; We obtain the doping and temperature dependence of RH for the square lattice tJ-model using a high-temperature series expansion, supplemented by Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations. Finally, we briefly discuss a similar anomaly also seen in thermopower, by computing the Seebeck coefficient of the strongly correlated Hubbard model.