High Energy Physics Seminars

Summary of the ECFA DRD5 workshop and the launch of the RDq collaboration at CERN

by Dr. Rajdeep Chatterjee (DHEP, TIFR Mumbai)

Thursday, November 2, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR, Mumbai ( AG-66 )
Under the aegis of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA), one of the tracks, namely DRD5, plans to focus on R&D activities towards developing detectors based on Quantum and Emerging Technologies for applications in High Energy Physics. After having brainstormed over a period of time, research directions have been crystallized under five distinct verticals: 1) Quantum techniques for sensing; 2) Atomic, nuclear, and molecular systems in traps and beams [exotic systems, interferometers, and clocks]; 3) Quantum Materials [0-, 1-, 2-D materials, superconducting devices and electronics at 4K]; 4) Scaling up for low-energy particle physics [optomechanical and other systems, transduction and readout]; and 5) Scaled-up “Quantum” for MIP’s [spin sensitive devices; hybrid devices]. Specific work packages are now being defined under these verticals and are expected to be organized under a new RDq collaboration expected to be launched early next year. In this talk, I will summarize the highlights of the discussion on these topics with a particular focus on those that are of potential interest to TIFR.