School of Technology and Computer Science Seminars

The Parallel Repetition Theorem and Related Results

by Mr. Rakesh Venkat (School of Technology and Computer Science)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-212 )
In a 2-Prover 1-Round Game, a verifier draws a pair of questions (X,Y ) from a distribution D and sends one each to two co-operating, non-communicating players who need to respond back with answers A,B. The verifier checks the answers using a known predicate V(X,Y,A,B), and declares a win or loss. The aim of the players is to plan a strategy to win the game with the highest probability over the set of questions. The n -fold parallel repetition of the game has the verifier drawing n pairs of , i.i.d., and sending each player an n-tuple of questions. The players have to respond with n answers each, one for each co-ordinate. The Parallel Repetition theorem proven by Raz states that the probability of winning the repeated game in all co-ordinates drops exponentially with n. The theorem was a key result used in proving various hardness of approximation results. In this talk, we give a brief overview of the implications of this theorem, and various related results.
Organised by John Barretto