18-20 November 2015
Asia/Kolkata timezone
2nd Meeting of the DEA Club
The 2nd International Workshop on Dissociative Electron Attachment (DEA) will be held at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India duirng 18-20 November, 2015.

This will be the second meeting of the DEA Club, the first of which was the International Workshop held at ICTP Trieste during 16-19 Sept 2013.  The occasion will also coincide with the completion of 10 years of using momentum imaging in DEA studies. The meeting is expected to cover all aspects of DEA, related areas and its applications.

International Organising Committee:
Nigel J. Mason,
Franco Gianturco,
Oddur Ingolfsson,
E. Krishnakumar
Vaibhav S Prabhudesai
Local Organising Committee:
E. Krishnakumar (Convener)
Vaibhav S. Prabhudesai
Deepankar Misra
Vinay Bhonslay (Secretary)
Starts Nov 18, 2015 09:00
Ends Nov 20, 2015 18:00
Lecture Theatre AG-66
Email: vaibhav@tifr.res.in OR vaibhav.p.d@gmail.com
To submit abstract and register for this conference you have to create a login ID on Indico so that you can come back and amend things at a later date. Please write an email to vaibhav@tifr.res.in for activation of your indico account to submit the abstract.