20-24 November 2023
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Asia/Kolkata timezone


This conference aims to bring people from different sectors namely gravitational waves, electromagnetic observations, neutrino, and cosmic rays to understand the key role India can play in the field of multi-messenger science in theoretical, data analysis, and observational frontiers. This national meeting would like to discuss the key science cases which can be explored using multi-messenger sciences, the requirements for data analysis using the large volume of data which will be available from the ongoing/upcoming surveys, and existing or proposed Indian facilities which can join the International effort of multi-messenger science.

The meeting will have focused sessions on gravitational waves, electromagnetic observations, neutrino, and cosmic rays with a review talk that will explain the current status of the field in India and the experimental facilities involved. Followed by that there will be sessions for talks from members from national institutes and current facilities to discuss what kind of contributions can be made to the exploration of multi-messenger science from India.

Starts Nov 20, 2023 08:00
Ends Nov 24, 2023 20:00
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai 400005
REGISTRATION : October 1-November 5, 2023