Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 02 November 2020  –  Sunday 08 November 2020  >
Mon 02/11 Tue 03/11 Wed 04/11 Thu 05/11 Fri 06/11
16:00 Comparison of LIGO/Virgo Detections With Stellar Models (Prof. Belczynski, Chris) (Zoom link: Meeting ID: 933 6620 7125 Passcode: ChrisBDAA)
16:00 QCD phase diagram for physical mass and towards chiral limit (Dr. Lahiri, Anirban) (Zoom)
11:30 Quantum Dissipation of Quarkonium in Quark Gluon Plasma (Mr. Miura, Takahiro) (Zoom )
16:00 Colloquia on the 2020 Nobel Prizes in Physiology/Medicine, Chemistry and Physics (Prof. Narasimha, Maithreyi; Prof. Koti, ASR; Prof. Chatterjee, Sourav; Prof. Mandal, Gautam) (Online through ZOOM webinar: Zoom link:
16:00 Relative holomorphic connections and moduli space of logarithmic connections singular over a finite subset of a compact Riemann surface. (Dr. Anoop Singh) (: Over Zoom)
05:30 Geometric invariants and geometric consistency of Manin's conjecture. (Dr. Akash Kumar Sengupta) (: Over Zoom)
14:30 Constraints on the High-Redshift Quasar Population from Ongoing Helium Reionization at z~4 (Dr. Worseck, Gabor) (Zoom)
CIBRA and Covid -19: Tasks and Challenges (Prof. Guchait, Manoranjan) (Online: