Free Meson Seminars

Detecting Physics Beyond the Standard Model through b → sμ+μ transition

by Mr. Diptimoy Ghosh (TIFR)

Thursday, May 12, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
The Flavor sector of the Standard Model has recently seen some discrepancies with the experimental measurements from the Tevatron experiments CDF and D$\O{}$ , and to a smaller extent the B factories Belle and BaBar. nterestingly, many of these "anomalies" are in the b $\to$ s transition sector of the Standard Model. I will briefly discuss some of the existing anomalies and  elaborate on how model independently one can try to detect the structure of the underlying New Physics beyond the Standard Model.
Organised by Dr. Nilmani Mathur