Free Meson Seminars

Four lepton Flavor Violation at the LHC

by Prof. Probir Roy (SINP, Kolkata)

Thursday, May 3, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
Flavor is an unresolved puzzle in the Standard Model, being possibly
indicative of some yet unknown dynamics underneath.  Speculations
exist that this may manifest itself in significant strength at the
terascale. One consequence could be lepton flavor violation with total
lepton number conserved. Already observed in neutrino oscillation
experiments, such a phenomenon may show up more prominently at TeV
energies, thus signaling a completely new physics.  Proposed flavor
violating charged dilepton final states have already been studied with
reference to the LHC. We shall discuss the production and detection at
the LHC of flavor violating charged quadrileptons which will be shown
to have certain advantages over dileptons in searching for lepton
flavor violation. A classification of all six-fermionic operators in
the chiral basis, contributing to such processes, will be made and the
corresponding cross section for each computed under the hypothesis of
single operator dominance. The sensitivity reach of the new physics
scale will also be given in terms of the integrated luminosity.