String Theory Seminars

Dynamics of Fundamental Flavours and Holographic Duals of Large N Gauge Theories

by Dr. Arnab Kundu (The University of Texas at Austin)

Monday, October 29, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
Using the gauge-gravity duality, more specifically the AdS/CFT
correspondence, we will discuss strongly coupled dynamics of
fundamental flavours in a large N gauge theory in and beyond the probe
limit. We will primarily focus on the physics of chiral symmetry
breaking by introducing flavour degrees of freedom in the so called
Klebanov-Witten model. We will discuss how these fundamental flavours
respond to external parameters such as non-zero temperature or an
external electro-magnetic field and analyze the corresponding
non-trivial phase diagrams. We will briefly comment on the results of
similar studies in other holographic models.Using the gauge-gravity duality, 
more specifically the AdS/CFT correspondence, we will discuss strongly
coupled dynamics of fundamental flavours in a large N gauge theory
in and beyond the probe limit. We will primarily focus on the physics of
chiral symmetry breaking by introducing flavour degrees of freedom in the
so called Klebanov-Witten model. We will discuss how these fundamental 
flavours respond to external parameters such as non-zero temperature or 
an external electro-magnetic field and analyze the corresponding 
non-trivial phase diagrams. We will briefly comment on the results of 
similar studies in other holographic models.