Free Meson Seminars

Time evolution of non-Gaussianity in heavy ion collisions

by Prof. Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka Univ., Japan)

Thursday, May 2, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
We investigate time evolution of higher order cumulants of conserved charges in a volume in the hadronic stage in relativistic heavy ion collisions. We analyze the time evolution in diffusion master equation, and show that the fourth-order cumulant of electric charge at LHC energy is suppressed compared to recently observed second-order cumulant at ALICE, if the higher order cumulants at hadronization are well suppressed. Significance of the experimental information on rapidity acceptance dependences of various cumulants to investigate the dynamical history of the hot medium in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is emphasized.