String Theory Seminars

Dilaton Effective Action and Entanglement Entropy

by Dr. Shamik Banerjee (IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)

Thursday, September 11, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
In this talk we will elaborate on techniques used to arrive at the
results [1, 2] of the previous talk. In general we will show that
arguments very similar to the 't Hooft anomaly matching argument give
powerful constraints on the entanglement entropy.


1. S. Banerjee, ``Trace Anomaly Matching and Exact Results For
   Entanglement Entropy'' arXiv:1405.4876 [hep-th]. 
2. S. Banerjee, ``Note On The Dilaton Effective Action And
   Entanglement Entropy'' arXiv:1406.3038 [hep-th].