String Theory Seminars

Bootstrapping 2D CFTs in the Semiclassical Limit

by Dr. Chi Ming Chang (U. of California, Berkeley)

Thursday, January 7, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304
We study two dimensional conformal field theories in the semiclassical limit. In this limit, the four-point function at generic cross ratio is dominated by only a single intermediate primary along with its descendants, and the crossing equations simplify drastically. For a four-point function receiving sufficiently small contributions from the light primaries, the structure constants involving heavy primaries follow a generalized Cardy formula. Applying our results to the four-point function of the Z2 twist field in the symmetric product orbifold, we produce the Hellerman bound and the Cardy formula with higher order corrections that is valid for $h \geq c/12$."