String Theory Seminars

Review on the virtue of defects in 4D gauge theories and 2D CFTs-III

by Dr. Satoshi Nawata (TIFR)

Friday, June 4, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
In earlier talk, We set up the M-theory background and introduced the relation between 4d gauge theories and 2d CFTs. In this talk, I'll discuss the relation between non-local operators in 4d gauge theory and ones in 2d CFTs. The 4d interpretations of topological defects and monodromy of degenerate fields in the 2d side will provide the way to calculate the VEVs of Wilson-'t Hooft operators in the 4d side. Moore-Seiberg groupoid describes monodromy of local operators in 2d CFTs. 
Organised by Prof. Shiraz Minwalla