Free Meson Seminars

Charm: A portal for New Dynamics

by Dr. Ayan Paul (University of Notre Dame)

Thursday, December 1, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
As we wait for direct searches to find new degrees of freedom, we
are gradually realizing that Nature's grand scheme is more elusive
than we had previously thought it to be. In preparation for a more
complicated dynamics than we have hitherto modelled we build our
partially model independent correlated searches of New Dynamics in the
flavour sector. In this presentation, I will focus on searches of New
Dynamics in two, three and four body decays of the charm hadrons. As
theoretical complexity increases exponentially with the final state
multiplicity, such channels also provide far more experimental handles
than lower multiplicity channels. I will also try to highlight how
such dynamics can be used for model building with a different