Free Meson Seminars

Bulk fields and fermion mass hierarchy in multily warped braneworld models

by Dr. R. Srikanth Hundi (IACS, Kolkata)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
The hierarchy between the Planck and electroweak scales can be
elegantly explained in the 5-dimensional setup of Randall-Sundrum (RS)
model.  However, introducing the standard model fields into the bulk
of the RS model may lead to constraints from precision electroweak
tests and also bulk Higgs problem. We have solved some of these
problems by extending the RS model to multiply warped braneworld
models. These models have more richness that the precision electroweak
constraints can be avoided.  Moreover, we have also shown that the
hierarchical mass pattern of the standard model fermions can be
accommodated in these class of models.