Wednesday Colloquia

Molecular Self-assemblies with Aesthetic Architectures and Exceptional

by Prof. Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh (National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), CSIR, Trivandrum – 695 019)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG - 66 )

Nature has the ability to create soft materials with aesthetic structures and functional complexity.  Noncovalent interactions are the driving force for the formation of such supramolecular architectures.  Noncovalent chemistry can also be exploited to create artificial soft functional materials using synthetic molecules as building blocks.  If aromatic -systems are used, electronic properties such as fluorescence, charge carrier mobility and conductivity can be modulated as a consequence of self-assembly.  For the past several years we have been learning the use of linear -systems as molecular building blocks to the creation of a variety of supramolecular architectures with diverse, size, shape and properties.  Many of these molecular assemblies form organogels with color tunable emission properties.  Some of them are excellent scaffolds for energy transfer and are useful for sensing and imaging.  Some aspects of this fascinating science will be discussed.