String Theory Seminars

Einstein-(Maxwell)-Dilaton theories: holographic applications and generalised dimensional reduction

by Prof. Blaise Gouteraux (University of Paris)

Monday, May 14, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theories have recently attracted a lot of
attention in holography, in particular in application to Condensed
Matter systems. After reviewing these, I will explain in this talk how
they may derive from scale invariant theories using generalised
dimensional reduction, where the number of reduced dimensions is
traded against a real, analytically continued parameter. This
technique allows to generate easily new black hole solutions (or
recover know ones) in gravity plus scalars theories, explains their
scaling properties, as well as facilitates the computation of
holographic observables such as the shear viscosity and other
transport coefficients.