Free Meson Seminars

Charting the evolution of the Strong Interaction's degrees of freedom

by Mr. Arjun Trivedi (University of South Carolina)

Thursday, April 16, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG69
Knowledge as constructed by human beings can be thought to be organized at varying scales of observation to tackle its complexity. Implicit in such an approach is the idea of a smooth evolution between scales and therefore, access to the grander and more profound concept of finding unifying aspects common to knowledge at all scales. New and in a sense, fundamental phenomenon may be typically emergent as the scale of observation changes. The study of the Strong Interactions, in this sense, is a labour of exploring evolutions and unifying aspects of its knowledge found at varying scales: from interaction of quarks and gluons as represented by the theory of pQCD at high four momentum transfersQ2 to emerging dressed quark and even meson-baryon degrees of freedom and effective models as Q2 decreases. In my presentation I will introduce a collaborative research framework at Jefferson Lab that is directly dedicated to this effort and note how my ongoing experimental analysis -- extraction of observables from electroproduction of pπ+π off protons -- will provide data for this end.