String Theory Seminars

"Disorder operators in Chern-Simons-fermion theories"

by Djordje Radicevic (Stanford Univ.)

Friday, October 30, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304
We compute the scaling dimensions of a large class of disorder operators ("monopoles") in the planar limit of CS-fermion theories.The lightest such operator is shown to have scaling dimension (2/3) k^{3/2} where k is the CS level.  The computation is based on recently developed techniques for solving CS-matter at all 't Hooft couplings. The desired operator dimensions are obtained by finding complex saddles in the low-temperature phase of the CS-fermion path integral in a monopole background.  We will also discuss the implications of this result to the 3D bosonization dualities.