Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

The Large Array Survey Telescope and the Weizmann Fast Astronomical Survey Telescope

by Prof. Eran Ofek (Weizmann Institute of Science, ISRAEL)

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Zoom link: (; (Meeting ID: 930 9905 0815 Passcode: Sem06Jul) )
Meeting ID: 930 9905 0815 Passcode: Sem06Jul
I will discuss two new sky surveys:
The Weizmann Fast Astronomical Survey Telescope (W-FAST) is a new sky survey designed to explore the second-time-scale transient sky. W-FAST started routine observations in 2020 and I will discuss some initial results including the high rate of sub second transients originating from satellites glints.
The Large Array Survey Telescope (LAST) is an under construction cost effective sky survey. Its survey speed (volume per unit time) per unit cost is an order of magnitude higher than existing sky surveys, and it may allow us building new efficient sky surveys. LAST is designed to search for optical counterparts of gravitational wave events, search for exo-planets around white dwarfs, and explore the sub-day time scale transients phase space.