Free Meson Seminars

Inelastic Dark Matter and Small Majorana Mass of Neutrino

by Dr. Bhupal Dev (University of Maryland)

Thursday, July 5, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
Extending the Standard Model to explain small neutrino masses via the
inverse seesaw mechanism leads to a new scalar Dark Matter (DM)
candidate which can be very light with mass in the 10 GeV range, as
suggested by some recent direct detection experiments. We show that
embedding the inverse seesaw in a supersymmetric theory leads to a
keV-scale mass splitting for the complex scalar DM, and hence, its
inelastic nature in direct detection. Our main point is that the
inelasticity of the DM is intimately connected to the small Majorana
mass of neutrinos. We will also discuss how this scenario can be
identified at the LHC.