Wednesday Colloquia

Many-body properties of solids studied by angle- resolved photoemission spectroscopy : application to conventional and unconventional superconductors

by Prof. Jörg Fink (Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin, Germany and Leibniz Institute of Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
“The understanding of correlation effects and other many-body properties in solids is of vital interest for the understanding of the macroscopic properties such as the resistivity, magnetism, or superconductivity. This dressing of the charge carriers is normally described in terms of the complex self-energy function which is related to the effective mass enhancement and the scattering rate. Due to the strongly increased energy and momentum resolution, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has developed to the method to study the self-energy. In this contribution, very high resolution ARPES studies on particular superconductors will be reviewed. Firstly, studies on the dressing of charge carriers by an anisotropic electron-phonon coupling in intercalated graphite (exhibiting an electronic structure very similar to that of graphene) will be presented. Secondly, a systematic study on the coupling of charge carriers to magnetic excitations in cuprate high-Tc superconductors will be reviewed. Finally, very recent ARPES results on iron pnictides will be discussed, giving important information on the nesting conditions and on the electron-phonon coupling in these new high- Tc superconductors”
Organised by Nitin Chaudhari
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