Free Meson Seminars

Composite Higgs and Partially Composite (rest of the) Standard Model

by Kaustubh Agashe (University of Maryland)

Thursday, January 7, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-69
 I will review the framework of the Higgs boson arising naturally as a (light) composite of some new strong dynamics sector (at the TeV scale), with the rest of the Standard Model (SM), i.e., gauge bosons and fermions, being partially composite. This scenario can explain not only why the electroweak scale is much smaller than the Planck scale, but also address the flavor hierarchy of the SM, while not suffering from  the problem of overly large flavor violation. In particular, I will argue that all of these features can be realized by a suitable generalization (and of course, scaled-up in mass) of the type of composite sector (and its underlying dynamics) that we already see in Nature, i.e., the hadrons (and QCD).