12-14 March 2018
TIFR, Mumbai
Asia/Kolkata timezone
FIG 2018
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Measurement of Quadrupole moments in neutron rich Iodine nuclei

Presented by Mr. Shaikh SAFIKUL ALAM
Type: Poster


Quadrupole moment of the n-rich I nuclei are of extreme importance to understand the single particle energy (spe) and n-n interaction around double shell closure of 132Sn. The energy of the first 5/2+ level in N = 84 Sb come down in energy compared to the neighboring Sb isotopes with N ≤ 82. This observation is explained with lowering of spe [1] as well as the n-n interaction [2]. Similar anomaly was also observed on quadrupole moments of odd-A Iodine isotopes with N≤ 82 and was explained by change in n-n interaction with the increase in neutron number [3]. In the present work, the quadrupole moments of 5/2+ level of 131I and 3+ level of 132I are measured using Time Differential Perturbed Angular Correlation technique. The n-rich Iodine isotopes are produced from decay of Te fission fragments produced with natU(,f) reaction. Radio-chemical separation are performed to separate and dope the carrier free activities of Te in Te metal matrix. The experimental observation has been compared with the shell model calculation using NUSHELLX. References: [1] S. Sarkar and M. Saha Sarkar, EPJA 21, 61(2004). [2] L. Corragio et al, PRC 72, 057302 (2005). [3] D. W. Hafemeister, PR135, B1089 (1964).


Location: TIFR, Mumbai
Room: AG66

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