7-11 December 2015
Asia/Kolkata timezone

We would like to suggest all participants to plan the travel to reach Mumbai latest by 6th December. The departure may be planned from 12th onwards.

Following are the options that we have made available where you can book your accommodation. The details are as follows:

  1. Vivanta Taj President (5 star) (2.2 km from TIFR-Mumbai)
  2. Fariyas Hotel (4 star) (3.4  km from TIFR Mumbai)
  3. Hotel Sea Palace (3 star) (3.7 km from TIFR Mumbai)
  4. YWCA international guest house (4.5 km from TIFR Mumbai)
    Tarrif at YWCA
    Rs.2,426/- (inclusive of tax) single (includes breakfast, Dinner)
    Rs.3,672/- (inclusive of tax) double (includes breakfast, Dinner)

If you are interested in any one of the options, we will arrange for these special rates for you.  Please fill in the Registration Form for the option that you want to go for and your arrival and departure details.  There are limited rooms available for this option.

We are also going to arrange the transportation from all the above hotels/guest house to the institute where the workshop will be held.