ASET Colloquium

IPA Awards Function - 2018

by Prof. Vandana Nanal (TIFR, Mumbai)

Monday, November 4, 2019 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
The Indian Physics Association (IPA) Award2018 function will be hosted
by TIFR on Monday, 4th November 2019 at 2pm in AG-66. The program is
attached with this email and more details can be found at:

The awardees this year include Dr. Tessy Thomas, Director General of
Aeronautical Systems and the former Project Director for Agni-IV missile
in DRDO. Her profile can be found here: Other notable awardees
include distinguished TIFR alumni - Prof. Mustansir Barma, Prof. Rohini
Godbole as well as Prof. Sadiq Rangwala.
Slides powerpoint filedown arrow pdf filedown arrow agenda pdf file
Organised by Prof. Vandana Nanal