Free Meson Seminars

Viable gravity mediation

by Dr. Tuhin S. Roy (University of Washington)

Thursday, March 1, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
We present a complete, viable model of gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking, where an accidental U(1)R symmetry emerges naturally in the visible sector. Gauginos acquire Dirac masses from gravity-mediated D-terms. Contributions to soft breaking scalar (mass)2 arise from flavor-arbitrary gravity-induced F-terms plus one-loop finite flavor-blind contributions from Dirac gaugino masses. Renormalization group evolution of the gluino causes it to naturally increase nearly an order of magnitude larger than the squark masses. This hierarchy, combined with the accidentially U(1)R-symmetric visible sector, nearly eliminates all flavor violation constraints on the model. If we also freely tune couplings and phases within the modest range 0.1-1, while maintaining nearly flavor-anarchic Planck-suppression contributions, we find our model to be safe from Δ mK, εK, and μ → e lepton flavor violation.